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In Three Paragraphs: Bayonetta

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: Action, SEGA, Xbox 360,


Welcome to a new quickie feature for Playfeed, in which I attempt to distill a game review into a bite-size chunk for you to feed on demurely. At E3, I was singing nothing but praises about Bayonetta, and that was primarily from a one-level demo. Demos, of course, are either used to

  • Sell a product by giving you the best of the best so you salivate like Pavlov’s dogs when you pass the retail copy over
  • Give you the only part of a game that is not festering, abject crap.

So now the retail copy has launched, and I am left to tell you what to expect, because I am forever carrying the cross of the game reviewer. Hit the jump for Bayonetta in 3 paragraphs.

NOTE: This is the Xbox 360 version of the game. The PS3 has been known to have some nasty framerate issues.

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Gallery: In Three Paragraphs: Bayonetta


